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Register Now for the Safer California Unintentional Injury Prevention Virtual Conference

November 17th and 18th, 2020

It is more important than ever to attend this unintentional injury prevention conference. Learn how successful prevention programs are thriving despite the pandemic.

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Drowning Prevention Community Involvement at Safer California Conference: Pool and Home Water Safety, and Open Bodies of Water

Early Bird Registration Pricing is extended until October 6, 2020
to accommodate realities of our current landscape
(Register at the Early Bird Reduced Rate of $50)

Register Now

Here is what you can expect from the Safer California 2-day virtual conference:

  • Cutting edge provocative keynote plenary sessions with California’s leading state and local leaders, prevention public health advocates, activists, change agents, and thought leaders
  • Hear firsthand what the Governor, and other state leaders are thinking and why
  • Be in the same work sessions with state and local leaders responsible for changes to California state and local law addressing the injury prevention issues on which you are working
  • Hear how you can be an effective partner on drowning prevention in your community, partnering with other injury prevention leaders, and affected families who have lost a child due to a drowning, poisoning, fall, vehicle or bicycle crash
  • Join in the discussion about next steps in California to prevent drowning involving pools or other home water sources, and open bodies of water (e.g. lakes, rivers, beaches)
  • Showcased examples of why those working on the front lines of prevention are the most important part of prevention in California – Learn how to improve how you tell your prevention work and program stories
  • Learn about successful drowning prevention programs that can provide your community with prevention resources needed to save a child by preventing injury from occurring
  • 16 workshop sessions to help you bring your local prevention program to the pinnacle of success, inspire, educate, and improve your prevention efforts
  • Live chat room capability to allow you to connect and network with others working on the same prevention issues that are important to you
  • Real-time marketplace connections to learn more about the safety products and training program resources showcased in the virtual Exhibit Hall with the ability to schedule online 1:1s with your favorites during booth hours each day
  • Online “Attendees’ Billboard” to allow you to post prevention, coalition, and program questions, share information or simply to link up with those working on the same safety issues you work on
  • 24/7 access to all plenary and workshop session recordings and bonus content for up to six months following the Conference
  • Post-Conference webinars and virtual chat rooms to keep the inspiration going!

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If you are a member of California’s Drowning Prevention community and want to register for the Conference:

Register Now
Get the Early Bird Registration Rate